Forms of investments
- Equity participation in authorised funds and other assets of commercial companies and partnerships, banks, insurance organizations and other enterprises established jointly with legal entities and/or individuals of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
- Establishment and development of commercial companies and partnerships, banks, insurance organisations and other enterprises wholly owned by foreign investors; acquisition of property, shares and other securities, including debt obligations issued by residents of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
- Investments into intellectual property rights, including copyrights, patents, trademarks, useful models, industrial designs, trade names and know-how, as well as business reputation (goodwill);
- Acquisition of concessions, including concessions for exploration, development, production or use of natural resources;
- Acquisition of ownership rights to trade and service facilities, residential premises together with the land plots on which they are located, as well as the right to own and use land (including on a lease basis) and natural resources.
And in other forms that do not contradict current legislation.
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