Ministry of Energy of Uzbekistan “National Electric Grids of Uzbekistan” S.C.
Announcement of tender to select IPP for a ~1,250-1,500 MW CCGT power station project on PPP basis
The government of Uzbekistan has initiated a broad energy sector reform plan in 2019 that envisages unbundling of vertically integrated system, tariff reform and attracting private sector investment in power generation.
As part of the reforms the Government has decided to develop a ~1,250-1,500 MW Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) power plant (the “Plant”) through a Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) model, whereby a private partner will be selected through a competitive tender to enter into a long-term agreement with the government to finance, design, build, operate, maintain and transfer the Plant (the “Transaction”).
To assist with the structuring of the Transaction and implementing the competitive tender process the Government of Uzbekistan has appointed the International Financial Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, as its lead transaction advisor.
Pursuant to Uzbekistan PPP Law the tender will be conducted in two stages. Prequalification stage starts with the invitation to express interest in the Project. Only those investors who expressed interest in the Project will be invited to submit prequalification applications, on their own or by forming consortia (to be determined by the potential investor at the time of prequalification application). At the second stage prequalified prospective bidders will be invited to assess the Project, comment on the Project documentation, and finally submit binding technical and financial proposals.
The Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Uzbekistan and “National Electric Grids of Uzbekistan” SC hereby invites all interested parties to submit an Expression of Interest (EoI) for the Project with the following text on the Company’s letterhead.
“Dear Sirs,
[Full Company legal name], [address of the Company], refers to the call for Expression of Interest by Ministry of Energy of Uzbekistan and “National Electric Grids of Uzbekistan” SC to participate in competitive tender to finance, design, build, operate, maintain and transfer the plant. [Company Name] appoints [Name Surname] [Job Title] [Contact Details] as a contact person for the purpose of communication with the Procurement Authority and its advisors.
[Signature] "
The scanned EoI should be submitted no later than 5pm Tashkent local time on Thursday, March 5th , 2020 to the email addresses below. Interested parties are allowed, but are not obliged, to accompany the scanned EoI with description of their references for CCGT projects.
Project teaser with additional information on the Transaction can be found at The investors’ conference mentioned in the Project teaser is planned for March 3, 2020.
The Investors’ Conference Registration Form to be filled by parties interested in attending the Investors Conference for the open tender PPP project to finance, design, build, operate and maintain ~1200-1500 MW Syrdarya CCGT.
Maximum three (3) persons from one company can take participation in the Investors’ Conference. The filled in Investor’s Conference Registration Forms should be submitted to and
The applicants shall receive a confirmation on their participation in the Investment Conference.
Ministry of Energy |
International Finance Corporation |