Country: Republic of Uzbekistan
Name of project: Electric Power Sector Capacity Development Project (Phase2)
Assignment title: Project Implementation Management Services
Loan Agreement: UZB-P18
Within the framework of the project "Electric Power Sector Capacity Development Project" (Phase-2) on 02/13/2020, an Invitation to Submit Expressionof Interest (EOI) was published in the media and on websites of JSC “Thermal Power Plants” (http://tpp.uz/pres/8), Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Uzbekistan (https://minenergy.uz/ru/news/view/430) with a deadline of 30 days from the date of publication.
In connection with the announcement by the World Health Organization (WHO) of the pandemic of the coronavirus COVID-19 in the world, some companies find it difficult to send an Expression of Interest in the indicated terms.
In order to create healthy competition and for careful preparation of proposals bycompanies for project management and supervision consulting services, it was decided to extend the deadline for submitting Expressions of Interest until April 18, 2020.
We also provide interested companies with the opportunity to send their Expressions of Interest electronically to the email addresses below.
Email addresses: uvespi@tpp.uz, zturaev.uzbekenergo@gmail.com
Interested consultants can obtain additional information at the address below and telephone numbers from 9.00 to 18.00 (Tashkent time).
Address: Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, 100097, st.Bunyodkor, 23.
Contact numbers:
(+998) 71-276 47 52 JSC "TPP"
(+998) 71 230 95 69 (Zafar Turaev)
Press service "Thermal Power Plant" JSC