On 10 January 2020, the Ministry of Energy organized a workshop on energy efficiency and the role of Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PP-4422 of 22 August 2019 On Accelerated Measures to Improve Energy Efficiency in Economic and Social Sectors, the Introduction of Energy-Saving Technologies and the Development of Renewable Energy Sources.

The workshop offered a platform for discussions on the role of the energy efficiency fund for industrial enterprises in creating additional opportunities for foreign investments in the regions of Uzbekistan.

Resolution No. PP-4422 approved the combined programme for further improvements in the energy efficiency of economic and social sectors, introducing energy-saving technologies and developing renewable energy sources in the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2019-2022.
According to the combined programme, the share of renewable energy sources will be increased to more than 25 percent of the total electricity generation by 2030.

A phased installation of modern solar photovoltaic plants and solar water heaters (with the exception of facilities connected to host heating systems), as well as energy-efficient heating systems, including bivalent, including the introduction of modern heat pumps and heat recovery units are envisaged.

What is scheduled:
· Improvement of the thermal protection system of buildings, installation of two-chamber and energy-efficient window units, sensors combined with LED sources, as well as air recuperations and other systems;
· In private households-installation of solar photovoltaic units (on average 2 kW) and solar water heaters (on average 200 liters);
· Replacement of non-standard gas-burning devices with modern and energy-efficient gas-burning devices for household consumers, as well as for legal entities.

The Resolution stipulates that from 1 January 2020, when designing, reconstructing and constructing all buildings and structures, except for individual housing construction, it is mandatory to ensure the energy efficiency of buildings.
From next year, government bodies and organizations are required to install sensors combined with LED sources for lighting systems and energy-efficient gas-burning devices in buildings and structures which are on their balance.
Also, starting from 2020, it becomes mandatory to determine the class or technical indicators of energy efficiency of products (equipment, goods) and technologies when they are certified in Uzbekistan.

Domestic enterprises and organizations from 1 December 2019 until 1 January 2023 will be gradually implementing energy management system ISO 50001, providing for transparency and objectivity in the assessment of energy efficiency, reducing energy consumption at enterprises, as well as reducing environmental emissions.
Resolution No. PP-4422 also provides for a number of measures stimulating the development of energy efficiency in the domestic sector, including through the use of renewable energy sources by individuals. In particular, when installing solar photovoltaic units in households, a third of the cost of purchasing them will be compensated. It also provides for compensation to individuals and legal entities to cover interest on loans from commercial banks for the purchase of renewable energy installations, energy-efficient gas-burning devices and boilers, as well as other energy-efficient equipment.

Thus, the Resolution provides for a number of radical measures designed to significantly change the situation in Uzbekistan in the field of energy efficiency and become an incentive for new projects in this direction, including attracting foreign direct investments.
The Press Service of the Ministry of Energy
of the Republic of Uzbekistan