JSC “Fergana TPP” announces a tender: Installation of solar panels at the Fergana TPP with a capacity of 1800-2000 kW.

The maximum cost of the tender is:
17 300 0000 (Seventeen billion three hundred million) sum with VAT.
Term of completion of works: 120 days.
Customer: JSC "Fergana TPP", hereinafter (Customer).
Address 150106, Uzbekistan, Fergana, Sanoat street, 40. Phone number: (+998 99) 998 92 00 Email: fiem@tpp.uz or info@fiem.uz
Organizer of the tender: JSC “FerganaThermal Power Plants”.
Address 150106, Uzbekistan, Fergana, Sanoat street, 40.
Financing of the project will be carried out at the expense of the customer's own funds.
Enterprises and organizations acting as participants must meet the following requirements:
- upload the necessary documents for the qualification selection on the website within the prescribed period https://etender.uzex.uz/lot/120304;
- upload qualification documents in accordance with the requirements of the tender documentation;
- not undergoing reorganization, liquidation or bankruptcy;
- not being in a state of litigation or arbitration with the “Customer”;
- not being in the Unified Register of Unscrupulous Executors;
- not to have debts in paying taxes and other obligatory payments;
- must be established at least 11 months before the announcement of the tender;
- have experience in providing similar services;
- not to have improper execution of obligations assumed under previously concluded contracts;
- not to have founders who are the same legal entities and individuals;
- is not registered in states or territories that provide a preferential tax regime and/or do not provide for the disclosure and provision of information during financial transactions (offshore zones), as well as to non-resident accounts in banks located in offshore zones (a list of countries is attached);
- must have a production base, labor resources and specialists required to implement work (services).
Have civil legal capacity and the authority to conclude a contract.
The tender participant has the right to send the customer a request for clarification of the provisions of the tender documentation in an official form. Within two working days from the date of receipt of the specified request, the customer is obliged to send in the prescribed form clarifications of the provisions of the tender documents, if the specified request was received by the customer no later than two days before the deadline for submitting proposals. Clarifications of the provisions of the tender documents should not change its essence.
The form for submitting a request for clarification of the provisions of the tender documentation must be drawn up on the letterhead of the organization with the seal and signature of the head of the organization.
The deadline for accepting bids: specified in the Lot for the tender on the special information portal https://etender.uzex.uz/lot/120304.
For additional information on the terms of the tender, please contact the persons of the working body of JSC “Fergana Thermal Power Plants” at the following contacts: Ortiqov Esajon Alijonovich, Tel./mob.: (+998 99) 998 92 00; Zakirov Abduvaxid Gafarovich, Tel./mob.: (+998 99) 366 67 15.
JSC “Sirdarya TPP” announces a tender: Installation of solar panels at the Sirdarya TPP with a capacity of 1200-1500 kW

The maximum cost of the tender is:
12 450 000 000 (Twelve billion four hundred and fifty million) sum with VAT.
Term of completion of works: 180 days.
Customer: JSC "Sirdarya TPP", hereinafter (Customer).
Address: Uzbekistan, Sirdarya region, Shirin city, Energetiklar street, 7. Phone number: +998 90 9902110 Email: info@sdtes.uz
Organizer of the tender: JSC “Sirdarya Thermal Power Plants”.
Address: Uzbekistan, Sirdarya region, Shirin city, Energetiklar street, 7.
Financing of the project will be carried out at the expense of the customer's own funds.
Enterprises and organizations acting as participants must meet the following requirements:
- upload the necessary documents for the qualification selection on the website within the prescribed period https://etender.uzex.uz/lot/119884;
- upload qualification documents in accordance with the requirements of the tender documentation;
- not undergoing reorganization, liquidation or bankruptcy;
- not being in a state of litigation or arbitration with the “Customer”;
- not being in the Unified Register of Unscrupulous Executors;
- not to have debts in paying taxes and other obligatory payments;
- must be established at least 11 months before the announcement of the tender;
- have experience in providing similar services;
- not to have improper execution of obligations assumed under previously concluded contracts;
- not to have founders who are the same legal entities and individuals;
- is not registered in states or territories that provide a preferential tax regime and/or do not provide for the disclosure and provision of information during financial transactions (offshore zones), as well as to non-resident accounts in banks located in offshore zones (a list of countries is attached);
- must have a production base, labor resources and specialists required to implement work (services).
Have civil legal capacity and the authority to conclude a contract.
The tender participant has the right to send the customer a request for clarification of the provisions of the tender documentation in an official form. Within two working days from the date of receipt of the specified request, the customer is obliged to send in the prescribed form clarifications of the provisions of the tender documents, if the specified request was received by the customer no later than two days before the deadline for submitting proposals. Clarifications of the provisions of the tender documents should not change its essence.
The form for submitting a request for clarification of the provisions of the tender documentation must be drawn up on the letterhead of the organization with the seal and signature of the head of the organization.
The deadline for accepting bids: specified in the Lot for the tender on the special information portal https://etender.uzex.uz/lot/119884.
For additional information on the terms of the tender, please contact the persons of the working body of JSC “Fergana Thermal Power Plants” at the following contacts: Khalnazarov Gulom Abduxamidovich, Tel./mob.: +998 90 9902110.