In accordance with Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 27 March 2019 (No. PP-4249 – “On the Strategy for Further Development and Reform of the Electric Power Industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan”), the Regional Electric Networks JSC (“the Company”) was established.

Regional Electric Networks JSC manages enterprises of territorial electric grids distributing and selling electric energy to end users.
The Company’s structure includes 16 enterprises, including 14 regional electric grids. The enterprises operate grids plus new construction, reconstruction, capital and ongoing repairs of power grid facilities.

In 2019, Regional Electric Networks JSC reconstructed and modernised 6,400 km of power transmission lines and 2,600 transformer facilities. Consequently, the electricity supply to 920,000 households in 545 local communities has improved.
As part of the implementation of the government programme “Developed Village”, more than 2,734 km of power transmission lines and 894 transformer facilities were reconstructed. 2,900 km of power transmission lines and 1,600 transformer facilities were also overhauled.

Major repairs were completed on for 188 km of power transmission lines and 272 transformer facilities.
Practical measures were implemented prepare the electricity sector for sustainable operations in the autumn-winter period of 2019/2020. Repair work took place on 20,300 km of electric grids and 6,800 transformer facilities.

368 km of power transmission lines and 344 transformer facilities were constructed for to supply power to blocks of flats in rural and urban areas nationwide.
Measures were taken to connect 720 enterprises operating in 126 free economic and small industrial zones to the power grid, including construction of 160 km of power transmission lines and 98 transformer stations.

Improvements were made to metering and control of electricity consumption with over 2.5 million consumers connected to an automated metering system.
To ensure the uninterrupted power supply to consumers in nine regions of the country, reconstruction and modernization work was carried out on 16 high-voltage substations, plus construction and installation of 115.3 km of power transmission lines.

Four plants were put into operation for the production of reinforced concrete supports to support power supply. In 2020, eight more plants are planned to be put into operation.
Members of the Republican Working Group - headed by the State Adviser to the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan – held field receptions throughout the country to allow dialogue with the public. During the receptions, 537 appeals were received, of which 139 found positive solutions, 153 were given legal explanations and 245 were taken under control, the decisions of which will be implemented in 2020.

To strengthen the material and technical base and increase the level of mechanization of regional electric grids, 100 units of special equipment were delivered. In 2020, purchases 34 auto laboratories and 14 cranes are planned.