In order to meet the growing demand for electricity in the Republic of Uzbekistan, it is implementing a large-scale strategy for the use of renewable energy sources in order to establish economical and environmentally friendly production.
For this purpose, joint-stock company “Uzbekhydroenergo” on the basis of public-private partnership implemented “Dukentsoi HPP”, “Kamchik GESlar cascade (Kamchik 2-3)”, “Kizildarya and Suvlisoi HPP”, “Kuyi Koksuv HPP” hydroelectric power plants in the form of 4 separate lots. announced the tender for the request for qualification (Request for Qualification).
Below is detailed information on each project:
1. “Construction of Dukentsoy HPP in Tashkent region” project;
2. “Construction of Kamchik 2-3 HPP in Namangan region” project;
3. “Construction of Kyzildarya-Suvlisoi HPP in Kashkadarya region” project;
4. “Construction of Lower Koksuv HPP in Tashkent region” project.
For reference: Applicant(s) may ask questions and request clarifications regarding this RFQ tender. Bidders should submit the RFQ document and any additional information or clarifications regarding the bid in writing to all of the email addresses listed below:
• jjurayev@uzgidro.uz;
• komiljonov@uzgidro.uz;
• yoqubov.abduqodir@imv.uz
• xasan.xasanov@imv.uz;
• uzbppp@dolsar.com.tr
Application for participation in SOQ (Submission of Qualification) should be sent to the following address:
Email: devonxona@uzgidro.uz
eXat: uzgidro@exat.uz
Phone: +99878 150-50-15
Address: 100011, Tashkent city, Navoi street, 22.