American Boeing and French Airbus, the world's largest aircraft manufacturers, confirmed possibility of using Uzbekistan GTL’s GTL jet fuel as a Jet A-1 component.
On September 23, 2022, Boeing officially confirmed possibility of using GTL kerosene of Uzbekistan GTL Plant as a component for blending with Bukhara Oil Refinery’s Jet A-1 conventional jet fuel.
On September 25, French Airbus sent a similar confirmation, referring to ASTM7566 international standards, which regulates technical requirements in the field of jet fuels.
At the same time, on September 22, SGS, Swiss independent examination, control, testing and certification company, confirmed conformance of quality of GTL Jet A-1 semi-synthetic jet fuel produced at Bukhara Oil Refinery, with international standards, which allows it to be used as a fuel for aviation.
According to the Project, Uzbekistan GTL Plant’s GTL kerosene will be used as a component for blending with oil-derived kerosene to produce Jet A-1 semi-synthetic jet fuel. At the same time, specialists of the GTL Plant are working towards obtaining permission of international regulators in the field of jet fuels for direct use of GTL kerosene as a jet fuel without the need to mix it with conventional fuel.
Compared to conventional oil-derived kerosene, GTL kerosene burns with significantly lower levels of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and solid particles. This helps to significantly reduce emissions from jet fuel combustion, making it environmentally friendly and sustainable.
Uzbekistan GTL Plant’s synthetic kerosene annual production capacity is 500 thousand tons.