Media coverage for SC Uzbekhydroenergo announces $60 million, 25-year loan from the ADB
BLOOMBERG - Uzbek Hydro Gets $60 Million Loan to Build Three New Plants – 8 September 2020
POWER ENGINEERING INTERNATIONAL - ADB loan to help Uzbekistan construct three new hydropower projects – 10 September 2020
INTERNATIONAL WATER POWER & DAM CONSTRUCTION - ABD loan to help fund hydro development in Uzbekistan – 8 September 2020
HYDRO REVIEW - JSC Uzbekhydroenergo gets $60 million loan from ADB to develop small hydro – 8 September 2020
NEWSBASE - Uzbek State Hydropower Producer To Receive $60mn From ADB For Construction Of HPPs – 9 September 2020
TRADE FINANCE GLOBAL - JSC Uzbekhydroenergo announces $60 million, 25-year loan from the Asian Development Bank – 8 September 2020
IJ GLOBAL - Uzbekistan signs ADB run-of-river loan – 8 September 2020
RENEWABLE ENERGY WORLD - JSC Uzbekhydroenergo gets $60 million loan from ADB to develop small hydro – 8 September 2020
RENEWABLES NOW - ADB helps finance construction of 24 MW of small HPPs in Uzbekistan – 8 September 2020
THE TIMES OF CENTRAL ASIA - Uzbekistan’s state hydropower company takes $60 million ADB loan for construction of three hydropower plants – 9 September 2020
BLOOMBERG - Uzbek Hydro Gets $60 Million Loan to Build Three New Plants – 8 September 2020

POWER ENGINEERING INTERNATIONAL - ADB loan to help Uzbekistan construct three new hydropower projects – 10 September 2020

INTERNATIONAL WATER POWER & DAM CONSTRUCTION - ABD loan to help fund hydro development in Uzbekistan – 8 September 2020

HYDRO REVIEW - JSC Uzbekhydroenergo gets $60 million loan from ADB to develop small hydro – 8 September 2020

NEWSBASE - Uzbek State Hydropower Producer To Receive $60mn From ADB For Construction Of HPPs – 9 September 2020

Uzbekistan’s state hydropower producer and developer Uzbekhydroenergo announced on September 8 that it has signed an agreement to receive a 25-year loan worth $60mn from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for construction of three new hydropower plants (HPPs) on the Aksu River.
The loan is in line with Uzbekistan’s energy strategy that aims to generate a quarter of all of the country’s electricity from renewable sources by 2030, including 3.8 GW of hydro energy. The funding will be split between $23.6mn for procurement of machinery and equipment and $21.6mn for construction and installation works. The remaining amount will cover management of the project and pre-project costs; creation of a high-voltage network; and financing of general contractor selection via a tender organised with the ADB.
The total installed capacity of the new HPPs will amount to 24 MW, including Tamshush HPP (10.3 MW), Chappasuy HPP (7.5 MW), and Rabat HPP (6.2 MW).
“The new HPP projects, which are scheduled for commissioning in 2022, will add 97.5 million kWh of cheap and cheap and environmentally friendly electricity production, annually,” Uzbekhydroenergo said in a statement. “They will create over 40 jobs, increase hydropower’s share in the country's energy balance, save fuel resources and meet the growing demand for electricity.”
TRADE FINANCE GLOBAL - JSC Uzbekhydroenergo announces $60 million, 25-year loan from the Asian Development Bank – 8 September 2020

IJ GLOBAL - Uzbekistan signs ADB run-of-river loan – 8 September 2020

RENEWABLE ENERGY WORLD - JSC Uzbekhydroenergo gets $60 million loan from ADB to develop small hydro – 8 September 2020

RENEWABLES NOW - ADB helps finance construction of 24 MW of small HPPs in Uzbekistan – 8 September 2020

THE TIMES OF CENTRAL ASIA - Uzbekistan’s state hydropower company takes $60 million ADB loan for construction of three hydropower plants – 9 September 2020